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Ayurveda with its tridosha or three humours system, is able to provide and complete understanding of the cause of health in terms of a metabolic balance. Disease is simply understood as an imbalance between the nerve energy (VATA), catabolic fire energy (PITTA) and anabolic nutritive energy (KAPHA). Imbalance of the tridoshas leads not only to impaired health, but also to an impaired mental condition, because the mind´s health is depend on the body health. Ayurveda, therefore, aims to keep the three humours in equilibrium for only then can perfect health can be attained and maintained. As each individual has his own particular balance or blend of these three forces,


P R O D U C T S    O F   T H E    M O N T H

T H E   T H R E E    D O S H A S



The Rishies thousands of years ago used the theory of five elements to explain the internal and external constituents of the body. The five great elements are :

EARTH – the solid state of matter,​
​AIR – the gaseous state of matter,
WATER – the liquid state of matter,
FIRE – the force or the power to transform the matter or substance into any state, ie. Solid state into liquid, liquid into gas and vice versa.
​ETHER – the place where the physical existence of the state or events takes place.





VATA governs all that is related with the activity and the movements including the body, mind, respiration, circulation, digestion and neuromuscular. It is responsible of transmitting the information and the nutrients in the organism and is the mobile force behind the other doshas. Because of its changing nature it is the only dosha which gets unbalance much easier than the rest.

PITTA governs the metabolic and transformation functions, it is responsible for the digestion, body temperature, assimilation, and the coloring material of the blood and the skin. It is associated with the fire and water elements. Mentally Pitta generates the new ideas and metabolizes the strong emotions.

KAPHA is the principal factor that provides the material for maintaining the bodily structure. It is responsible for maintaining the lubrication and production of the respiratory system secretions, it is also responsible for the physical strength rate.

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